Fourth Advent Service HERE
Service URL HERE If you or any member of your household suspects they may have Covid-19 or flu and are displaying symptoms then please DO NOT ATTEND.
Christingle Children’s Service
Christmas Eve – Crib service
Dress up as character from Nativity or come as you. We would love to see you.
Midnight Mass
Service link HERE Carols sung from 11:15pm
Litter Pick
Meet at Bywoods avenue bring litter picker and wear sturdy boots
Before Lent Sunday Service
Click HERE
No Little Dragons
Little Dragons 9:30am 11:30 in Church fun and activities for toddlers aged 0 – 4 years. Term time only. There is a small charge of £2 per child per session. (Contact 0208 654 8747)
Pop-in for seniors
Meet in the church hall
Men of St George’s
On zoom
Lent discussion zoom link HERE
Searched me out and Known Me: Journeying Lent with the Psalms by Charlie Bell. This five week course will be held on Zoom, led by Jenny on Tuesday afternoons at 4pm beginning on Tuesday 11th March.