“Pop in” is open, come in for a cup of tea, coffee and chat in the Church Hall, 10:30am to 12 noon.
Little Dragons 9:30am 11:30 in Church fun for toddlers aged 0 – 4 years. Term time only. £1.50 per child and starts again on 30th October.
Slimming World 5.30-7.30pm (Contact Hilary Sard 07928464664)
7.30pm Bible Study Group on Zoom. Contact Brian McGinnis for the zoom link and study notes
Medau 13.45-3.00pm (Term Time only) (Contact Anne Gammon 01689 815646)
Table Tennis Club 8.00-10.00pm (Contact Ron Carter 0208656 9176 or Ken 0208654 3233
Whist Drive 7.30-10.30pm (Inquire in Hall from 7.00-7.45)
The 31st Croydon Scouts
No waiting list to join!
Guide Unit
Brownies (in the Church Hall)
Tuesdays 6.00 – 7.30 Miss Sheila Fenner 020 8655 0023
Guides (in the Church Hall)
Fridays 6.00 – 7.30 Mrs Ruth Clery 020 8651 4116 / 07702 870030