Baptism (also known as christening)
Anyone is welcome to be baptised or christened at St George’s – children or adults. Baptisms normally take place during the 10.00am Sunday service. For answers to many general questions the Church of England has launched a website – please click here and for further information about baptisms at St George’s please complete the Baptism Enquiry form HERE
and Revd Hilary will contact you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I ask for a Baptism on any Sunday and at any time?
There are some Sundays which are more appropriate than others but usually a mutually convenient date can be found. Baptisms usually form part of the main 10.00am service so that the congregation can welcome the newly baptised on behalf of the worldwide church. We live-stream the service so that everyone can share in your day, even if they live on the other side of the world! Occasionally it may be necessary for a baptism at another time for specific pastoral reasons.
Can anyone be baptised at St George’s?
Age is no barrier to baptism and we welcome anyone who wishes to be baptised at St George’s.
Are there any conventions or rules around who can be a Godparent?
The most important thing to consider when choosing Godparents is to ensure individuals are willing to take their responsibilities to support you and your child in developing their faith seriously. Ideally Godparents should be confirmed, but they must have been baptised. If they have not yet been baptised, or are of another faith, they may still take a special part and become a ‘supporting friend’, making their own promises on the day.
Can I choose a Godparent who cannot attend the service?
Yes. Godparents are encouraged to make every effort to be present, but if this is impossible through sickness or living abroad, somebody else can act as proxy for them on the day and they can watch the live-stream.
Does my child (or do I) have to wear a special robe or change clothes during the service?
No, you can be baptised in anything, but in recognition of being clothed with the spirit of new life, you may choose to opt for a traditional child’s Christening gown or something new to mark this special occasion.
How much will it cost?
There is no charge for baptism but St. George’s welcomes any gift you would like to make to ensure the church is here for future generations. If you are a tax payer you can increase that gift by an extra 25% at no cost to yourself simply by filling out a GiftAid envelope on the day.