Revd Jenny Walpole (Priest in Charge).
Our new Priest in Charge Rev’d Jenny Walpole has joined the St George’s family.
Please Email vicarstgeorge@gmail.com. Phone: 020 8654 8747
I trained at Westcott Theological College and was ordained in 2021. I served my title in a Benefice of three churches in Canterbury. Prior to ordination I worked as a Project Manager for Wandsworth Community Chaplaincy Trust providing a mentoring and befriending service for prisoners. I am delighted to be part of an Inclusive and vibrant Church where all are welcome. I enjoy music, food and of course church! Please be in touch if you have any questions or would like a pastoral conversation.
Revd Hilary Fife (Honorary Curate). Email: Hilary
I was brought up in Shirley and it was St George’s Church community who nurtured my vocation to ordained ministry. For a number of years I was Senior Chaplain at Croydon University Hospital. I am delighted to be able to spend more time at St George’s and hope that I can be of service in this community. I am also Chaplain to the Southwark Pastoral Auxiliaries (SPAs) in our diocese and have the privilege of being Spiritual Director for several people. Retirement from Croydon Hospital has given me more time with my husband Peter and for some of my hobbies – gardening, cooking and family history!
Ray Wheeler (Reader) As a Reader (or Licensed Lay Minister) I am part of the ministerial team at St George’s. My role includes preaching, teaching, assisting and leading worship, pastoral work and taking funerals when required. In addition I am the Southwark Diocesan Warden of Readers. Other work includes teaching on the Bishop’s Certificate in Discipleship. I worked for many years with NatWest Bank then latterly with The Open University both roles using my pastoral skills. My interests include local history and genealogy. Now retired from paid work. I have becoming a grandad and are enjoying having a grandson. raymond.wheeler@blueyonder.co.uk 020 8777 5271
Liz Bebington (Reader) I was licensed as a Reader (or Licensed Lay Minister) within Southwark Diocese in 1995 and joined the staff team at St George’s, with Permission to Officiate, in early 2018, after serving over 20 years in my previous Parish. My husband Andy is a Roman Catholic; we have two married children and four grand-children. Besides helping as needed with worship, preaching, and the occasional funeral, I am a member of the Parish Eco-Group and a Parish rep to Deanery Synod. I am the Christian Aid Coordinator for Churches Together in Shirley and a national Trustee of the Association of Interchurch Families. Now retired, my working life was spent first in social work and then community development. I ran a Brownie Pack for over 30 years and still support local Guiding as an active member of Shirley Trefoil Guild. I also currently help to edit SPAN, the monthly magazine of Spring Park Residents Association. lizbeb@gmail.com 020 8777 4840