Baby Loss Awareness week commences

The Lady Chapel will be open on Monday 9 October for quiet time from 12noon until 1.00pm for anyone wishing to come and write their baby’s name in a book of remembrance and tie a ribbon on a tree in their memory. Anyone touched by pregnancy and baby loss is offered this safe and supportive ... Read more

Epiphany service

Service link here If you or any member of your household suspects they may have Covid-19 or flu or are displaying symptoms then please DO NOT ATTEND. Thank you

Lent Film night HERE

Sunday 3rd - 4pm A film for Lent The beautiful, thought-provoking and uplifting film 'The Way' will be shown at Jan's home - 16 Albany Court, Sloane Walk. We'll watch the film, enjoy some refreshments and discuss our thoughts. If you'd like to join us please let us know you are coming and bring something ... Read more