Maundy Thursday Meal

Our Maundy Thursday Eucharist and Passover Meal is at 7pm on 28th March

Quiz night

Ticket: £8 each – Teams of 8 max Quiz, Raffle & Wine Game. Bring your own drinks, glasses & food. If paying online above or to obtain tickets please advise Jan Payne or Heather Barker.    

Summer Fete

ST GEORGE’S SUMMER FETE & BBQ- Saturday 8th June – 12noon to 3pm.  

Prayer for General Election

God of grace and truth, in Jesus you embody your choice of us. Bless all who make choices in this general election. Clothe your people with gratitude for the right to choose our government, and turn that gratitude into clear choices. Give those who vote your spirit of wisdom and understanding. Uphold all who stand ... Read more