Remembering Her Majesty the QueenEaster Egg hunt 2022Easter flowersEaster walk of Witness 2022Silent walk of winessPrayers for loved onesLighting candles to rememberToys and Games in GambiaSponsoring a Nursery in the GambiaExcited children in GambiaLunch in the church garden for men of St George’sMens Group visit to Bluebell Railway
Walking with the cross at Easter 2019
Ray Wheeler was made Warden of Readers responsible for supporting over two hundred Readers in Southwark. The photos are from the service at Southwark Cathedral in May 2019.
The Church went again to see the Life of Christ portrayed in the open air. The experience is both moving and thought provoking.
Staged open-air in the stunning Surrey countryside and in the heart of London and Guildford, the plays focus on the birth, life and death of Jesus.
Black history month 2024 The children spoke about those who inspired them
Step into Good Friday 2024 was another occasion for local children to learn about the events in Jesus’ life from Palm Sunday, through Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper to his death on the cross on Good Friday. Children were then led through the story to Easter morning, hearing how Mary Magdalene discovered Jesus was alive. Leaders told the different sections of the story, interspersed by activities making Easter cards, Easter egg chocolate nests, a ‘Hosanna’ poster and decorated keyrings for each child to take home. The morning ended with the children joining in a group activity making a Holy Week wreath for display in church.
Song from th children at 9 Lessons service
Another successful ‘Step Into Good Friday’ event was delivered at St George’s this Good Friday by the Junior Church team. A ‘tour guide’ led a total of 22 children through the events of Holy Week. On the way they met ‘news reporters’ at various locations who told them about the events on Palm Sunday, the turning over of the temple money changers’ tables by Jesus, the Last Supper with his disciples, Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and his betrayal by Judas. the children listened intently as they heard about Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday from another reporter and how Jesus was laid in a tomb after he’d died on the cross. They were intrigued to hear of Jesus’ resurrection on the third day when Mary, one of his followers, met her Lord and Saviour in the garden near the tomb. The day of Jesus’ resurrection is now celebrated all over the world by Christians and is known as Easter Day. Here are photos from the morning with related scenes and craft activities together with photos at the end of the morning when the pilgrims from St George’s Walk of Witness joined children and their parents for hot cross buns, squash or tea.
Drawings by the children of what they need to take on a journey and importance of taking God with them as they go on any journey
I think they more than adequately show the wonderful use the new church space gives to the church community now that we have chairs, rather than pews! A really happy time was had by all the children – the church was ringing with laughter and excitement throughout the event – and we all kept (relatively) cool and out of the blazing sun. A great time was had by all!
Chiildren’s picnic before holidaysRemovable chairs allow for movementGood Friday activitiesCelebrating the NHSWelcomingEaster celebrationLinks in the children’s livesHelping handsThe children talked about fishing in difficult situationsMessy Church – Love actually activitiesTalking about baby JesusChildren in front of mangerGroup activityChristingle funFun foodRemembrance daisy chainMore Moses funMoses video Messy church Moses activitiesFruit of the Spirit activity on Sunday with Junior churchAfter Christmas fun being a MagiFood fun
Messy Church – Christmas Fun
Christmas funMaking crowns
Remembrance activities
The children created a plastic fish to show that plastic is an issue for the whole earth.
The Messy Church holiday fun photos.
The Messy church had water theme of baptism and cleansing in the hot weather.
The Messy Church looks at talking to God in prayer and how his Kingdom is here. There were lots of activities for the children to take part in.
The Good Friday photos are below. The moving and beautiful cross is in church.