Click image for details of Rocha.
The original aim was to look at Climate Change and consider what we could do to spread the word relating to our individual responsibilities. We used the A Rocha guidelines to assess where our Church was on the route to be more aware of where we were in terms of being ‘green’.
Since the gaining the Silver Eco Church Award in April, 2023, the Eco Group has continued to work towards attaining the Gold Award.
St. George’s has continued to be aware of caring for God’s earth through our Creation Services and prayers. The Eco Group has continued to organise activities to raise the profile of caring for God’s earth The community litter pick in Long Lane Woods has now been increased to four per year. These are usually held in February, April, July and October. The numbers attending do fluctuate, but we are hoping that more of the congregation, as well as the wider public, will join us this year. For further details please see document below.
Our website has plenty of recommendations on how to become more ECO friendly.
Committee Members
Sophie Clayton
Liz Bebington
Susan Wheeler s.e.wheeler@blueyonder.co.uk
Brian McGinnis
Helen Aylward
Janet Fitt
Helen McMullan
Jan Turner jan.m.turner09@gmail.com